
Moonsama Composer

The Moonsama Composer is an on-line tool enabling rapid building and deployment for Composable Art Collections.

By using the Moonsama Composer creators can:

Upload and visualize assets by categories

(i.e. base characters, head accessories, handheld items, footwear, etc.).

Define the relationship between all asset collections for an accurate composition

(layering, positioning, orientation, are all customizable through the Composer).

Preview your composed collection and modify it at will.

Revisit your decisions and make necessary changes so your creations do not become obsolete.

Connect games and applications to your instance of the Multiverse Portal.

Connected apps can read MP’s asset data, unleashing the associated utility of imported / enraptured NFTs.

Generate and extract the metadata of your composed collection.

Render your collections into playable models usable in connected games and applications.

Get in touch with our team and start creating with Moonsama